Hey um. Broke game. Honestly no idea what I did, we were trying for Milo's ending and then the choice at the end didn't use a day and didn't set the flag and the next day we got the exact same dialogue when we tried to talk to him? https://www.twitch.tv/videos/2287833925
I've uploaded a build for you called " 1.55 Milo PC" that has a button on the main screen of the main menu that you can click and it allows you to jump straight into Milo's ending.
I found where the issue arose for Milo's ending in the original copy and will be putting out a fix for that shortly (once I get out of the ER... it's been a bit of a long day haha;;)
Again thank you for letting me know about the bug!
Saving and/or endings don't seem to be working quite right - I received a A/N that said that selecting "yes" would lock me into Milo's ending, so after that scene I made a save and chose to depression nap to the ending. That just gave me Ending 5, not Milo's ending, so I reloaded the save... and the flag for Milo's ending was no longer up - he acted like I hadn't spoken to him before. D:
Just to clarify: After the blood moon you said yes when talking to Milo and locked into his ending ? After the scene happened and the next day arrived you saved and then depression napped to the ending? But this triggered ending 5(?) and not Milo's ending correct?
Then when you are delivered to the main menu after ending 5, you loaded the save after having said yes to Milo only to have the same A/N appear correct? And because Milo's ending requires 2 days to complete there's a chance you won't be able to achieve his ending in the remaining time frame.
Also a quick question, ending 5 is the Gambling ending. Did depression napping somehow dump you into the Gambling ending?? (I'll have to check to see if maybe I forgot to take out some logic I was using for testing purposes.) I know Ending 6 (Beautification ending) can currently override the more 'canon' endings atm and it's something I'm thinking of adjusting.
I'll look into smoothing out the ending logic this evening and try to put out a new build. (I want to adjust how the gambling portion is calculated and I also believe that currently if you finish the beautification quest it locks you out of everyone else's ending which feels like it should be the opposite (beautification ending takes less precedence than Milo or Samson, since it's a 'joke' ending.)
AH, I MADE A mistake. It was Ending 2, not Ending 5, so sorry! They kind of look like flipped versions of each other, so I guess my brain got confused... Very sorry for the mistake!!
To clarify what happened:
- Blood moon, said yes to Milo, locked into his ending
- Said NO to the depression nap option **immediately after** the conversation with Milo, so I could make sure I didn't miss anything I wanted to do
- The next day, looked all over the map, was satisfied I didn't miss anything, so I did some random money making task (I think it was the last step of cleaning the backyard?)
- Made a save when it prompted the depression nap the next day
- Took the depression nap, got ending TWO (so sorry again), so I reloaded my save figuring I'd missed something
- Loaded back in at the casino (not where I had saved), a bit confused but the day was the next day so I figured the game was treating it like I had said no to the depression nap
- But then Milo was at the backyard again, and was repeating the same dialogue I had already seen.
I hope I didn't cause you to needlessly look into the gambling ending with my mistake ;v; Thank you for the quick response, I hope my clarification helps...!
OH! Okay now I understand what happened. I need to change the text on that A/N. Activating that dialogue doesn't necessarily 'lock-in' Milo's ending, it just prevents you from getting Samson's ending from that point on.
Both Milo and Samson's endings have a two part ending dialogue in which you have to do something in between those conversations.
Since you saved after having seen the "Milo's secret stash" dialogue, he should have still been gone when you reloaded :/ The load/save feature is something I programmed so hearing about these bugs are super helpful! I just recently learned a new way to control Script execution order within the Unity engine that I want to try out to see if I can control some bugs. (But also I suspect this is moreso tied in with faulty logic at the tail end of the game. I'll look again at my reset script.)
Here's a non spoiler hint about how to get all of Milo's ending -- Find a use for what you discovered in Milo's final conversation.
And then here's a spoiler version of it:
To get his ending you also have had to be talking to Ms. Leith in the Casino to get her full dialogue. She will mention 'paying any amount of Chollars to best her fashion rival'.
After the Blood Moon, talk to Milo to lock you out of Samson's ending (again, apologies I need to rewrite this A/N) and be shown his 'secret stash' in the bushes in the backyard.
Nico will mention trying to find a use for all the bones and at the end of the dialogue they will either mention "I dont have enough information to know what to do with these bones" (this means you haven't seen the convo with Ms. Leith yet) or "Maybe I can turn this around somehow" (means you have seen the dialogue).
Go to Ms. Leith in the Casino and talk to her and it will trigger the very ending of Milo's ending.
Hope that helps and also thank you so much for letting me know about the bugs!
Just wanted to let you know: I got to thinking that you might not be able to get Milo's ending with your current save files. I uploaded a special build just for you called "Milo Ending Shortcut"! This special build has a button on the main menu that says 'Milo's Ending'. When you click that button you can immediately go talk to (SPOILER) Ms. Leith in the Casino to activate the final part of Milo's Ending. Sorry for the bug and thank you so much for letting me know! Hope this helps!
Oh, I see! Yeah, some clarification on the A/N would definitely have helped me understand there was still something I needed to do before my depression nap haha.
I hope you were able to figure out what caused the bug of him reappearing, and fix it without it giving you too much of a headache! Aside from this bug at the very tail end of this run, I had a ton of fun with the game! The characters/dialogue pulled me right in, and the money earning+time management factor is *chef's kiss!*
Also ahhhh, looks like I missed the convo with Ms. Leith...! I got the dialogue about not having enough information, and she wasn't there when I looked around the map... The last leith-related casino conversation I had was with her rival who was talking smack - I assume after hearing that, the next time I saw Ms. Leith she would have given me the necessary dialogue to hear for Nico to realize what to do with the bones. So close, and yet so far hahaha (Unless the leith dialogue chain is way longer than I'm aware!)
I really wouldn't have minded running through the game again, doing a backyard + casino yolo sprint to make sure I didn't miss any leith dialogue this time around, but the fact you went above & beyond to make a build for me to make sure I could get the ending? That's really touching, thank you so much!! The ending was amazing (the emotional reunion <3) and made me really want to go do Samson's ending so I can find out what the heck happened to him in Milo's! I'm really glad I was able to experience it for myself!
I'll be running through the other endings now (can I just say I'm stunned by how quickly you pushed an update fixing everything I talked about?? please treat yourself to something nice, you've earned it!) so I'll let you know if I notice anything funky! If you don't hear from me again, just assume everything ran clean as a whistle!
Hey so......... Me again, unfortunately. This time, I seem to have managed to create an infinite day. No matter what I try to do, the day won't end. Every +1 day option, just... does not advance the day. If I try to do one of the options that should take multiple days to complete, it will remain stuck on the same day's dialogue - not advancing either the day, or the event's progress.
I'm not at all certain as to what caused this... All I can tell you, is I won the jackpot at the casino, and the day didn't end. I won the jackpot by saving/loading until I won it, so maybe that did something?
On the bright side, I'm sure my family appreciates the infinite amount of chollars I've earned them in this eternal night!
So you saved, did the Gamble option, didn't win, before the day passed you returned to the main menu, loaded your save pre gamble and tried gambling again and now the day won't progress?
What day are you on? Did you save during dialogue? Are you loading from one active game into another? (Returning to the main menu is how the game resets certain variables. If clicking +1 day buttons doesn't end with the day ending that means the underlying EndDay(); function got broken somewhere, which 90% of the time is tied in with a load issue.)
I can look into this issue this evening. I'm hoping it's just a loading from one active scene to another active scene issue bc that's an easy fix haha. If you don't want to wait for a new build, try exiting the game completely, reopening it and then loading into that file from the main menu.
Great mix of spooky Halloween fun, humor combined with explorations of heavier themes around being an outsider, the stresses of living in a society that forces us to pursue money and how that stress can reverberate through our relationships, and having a personal existential crisis in the middle of all of that.
I especially appreciated Peter (and Nico's family in general, even as the father's gambling problem is a source of frustration), Milo (adorable!! very good snow leopard boy trying his best, melted when he started purring lol), and Nico themselves for the complicated emotions they dealt with through the story. The writing around how they lashed out at Peter or Milo when tired and stressed and then regretted doing so was visceral!
Aesthetically, love the Halloween color scheme and just overall really great Halloween vibes <3 love the music as well :D the art is really fun and cute, especially the character designs - I'm a particular fan of Peter's sparkly eyes, and Nico's mother's look! Environment-wise, the casino is fittingly the sparkliest and shiniest to look at, but my favorite was the backyard because it was where I got to talk to Milo, haha.
Loved the humor and how the jokes were deftly woven in with the tougher parts - often, tying together to poke at companies who pretend to care about environmentalism or draw a line under the absurd hopelessness of a person trying to navigate systems that aren't built for them to win.
I got ending #6 and was delighted by a visit from a very special guy, and that's all I'll say about that :p Play this game if you want a fun Halloween jaunt with some messages to chew on!
Ahh, so glad to hear you enjoyed it! And really loved Peter and Milo! They were my favorite to write for, so it's nice to see people enjoying them as well!
Thank you so much for playing and for leaving such a thoughtful comment!!! :D :D :D
Yessssss, HERE IT IS. THE EVER-SO-SLIGHTLY MESSED-UP HALLOWEEN STORY. Enjoyed playing through all this for sure, whether it was being silly with Nico's whole family situation +Milo and ALL OF THE RANDOM EVENTS THROUGHOUT THE MONTH, sweet with Mainly Milo and A Bit Of Peter, or upsetting to varying degrees with every other facet of the story, it was just, a very well-rounded experience!! Plenty of cackles and "awww"s and "oh god"s!!
Notable points of Extreme Enjoyment include: Peter is such a dorky child I love him and his "nya"s and general child-like exuberance; very good to have him here, especially alongside MILO, who's also an Extreme Enjoyment Point. I mean. Obviously, right?? He's endearing as hell and you really just wanna see him smile after frowning and such. Also Mr. Bodyguard 1 is pretty cool too y'know. Just a guy. A guy who wants what he wants. Can't blame him for that. (All the other characters are enjoyable too but like..... y'know............. Samson really can't compete with Child Who Says "Nya" Randomly, y'know???? Even if he's a fucking dweeb and I KINDA love him but also DEFINITELY have a whole unfeeling attitude towards him for the most part, as you do sometimes with a character like that (which is to say, he's a very good character!! Even lovin' somebody like that's a lil hard to accomplish. Maybe. Possibly.))
Although I enjoyed all the endings I found, I didn't end up finding Ending 5. I was experimenting for like an hour to try and figure out what the heck the trigger for it was, but I couldn't figure it out!! A lil nudge in the direction of it would be appreciated, for sure, but y'know. Of the endings I did complete, I think... Ending 3 is probably my favorite...???? Endings 1 and 2 are rather standard lil things, and then 3 and 4 end up feeling kinda... empty?? feeling???? Like, not as in they have no substance and don't illicit a proper valuable response, but that the response is mostly "God things could be so much better couldn't they". Which, I mean hey, guess that's kinda the whole point of the story, isn't it, pff. So I'm a lil happy that Ending 3 goes the way it does, I suppose.
As for the themes, I mean........... I tragically have never experienced the soul-draining woe of higher education and subsequent lethargy and general displeasure with life in general, but I can certainly feel these fuckin' feelings and god is this story just so exhausting in a great way. Hate to see Nico have a bit of an existential crisis every time he interacts with people while we go "Yeah that's really how it is, isn't it", pff. But, at least Nico gets some positive outcomes, and the people they're surrounded by are delightful as hell, so... y'know. It's really powerful seeing a character who is explicitly Tired As Fuck being warmed by the folks around them and learning to feel a little more after being worn out by life's troubles and such, y'know? It's a really nice story at the end of the day. ALTHOUGH I GUESS I DON'T KNOW WHAT HAPPENS IN ENDING 5 SO LIKE. Hm. I can only hope it wasn't something EXTREMELY SIGNIFICANT but considering its placement on the list, I'm really not sure. Is it more like 3/4, or is it more like 6.........
EITHER WAY YES. THANK YOU FOR MAKING THIS!! IT CAME OUT EXCELLENTLY AAAAAAAAA. Hope everybody else enjoys the FUCK outta it!!!!! Everybody must enjoy Milo's beautiful way of speaking and Peter's also-beautiful way of saying "nya" here and there. We love characters who do that. Also as a random last note the integration of LORE in the narrative is very excellently done as well??? Like just staring at the mom's tail going like "Hmm, wait, wait a minute...... does that mean Nico and Peter have one, too??? Or is their Vampire-ness more powerful...." before subsequently getting that answered ~very smoothly~. I DUNNO I JUST LIKED THAT BIT A LOT. Made me go "Ohoho" because of how perfect the timing was, pff. ALSO THE GENDER STUFF WITH NICO. SEAMLESS. BUT YA. ONE LAST TIME. THANK YOU FOR MAKING THIS!!!
Omg you leave the absolute best comments they are always ALWAYS such a joy to read !!!!! Aaaahhh TYSM!!!!!!
And before I respond to everything else, a little non spoiler hint for ending 5: You get that ending by doing the same exact thing that got your family into this mess in the first place.
(I will give a more explicit hint later when I know the 'read more' has kicked in and no one gets randomly spoiled, heehee)
I'm so happy you like Peter!!! I shamelessly also love Peter and I think the world would be like 0.000000001% better if people just randomly started saying Nya like, yeah it just makes everything better.
And Milo!!! I'm so glad you also loved him, he's just a normal little snow leopard who doesn't do anything wrong at all.
And yes I agree! Samson just simply can't compete with Peter, you know??? Nya. Samson is a tricky character and I do feel bad for him (lol this sounds so weird to say as the author but yeah I feel bad for him on a personal level) but also since we see the game from Nico's perspective it's a lot of "Oh my God I want to punch this man in his face" lol. That's rough buddy but also *gestures at his role in the general fabric of their community*.
And since I know we are def in the read more area: Ending 5 is the one I think is a little too difficult to find atm. Basically, you gamble for every single day you can. I'll do an update where it's only 15 days instead of the current 29 (lol).
Tysm for playing and for leaving a really really lovely comment !!!!!! Aaahhh it feels so nice to know that the game not only works but is being enjoyed by people !! ๐๐๐๐๐๐
omg I didn't know ROT13 was a thing so at first I was like "did something happen to my computer why can't I read this all of a sudden? LOL
But I figured it out and this is super cool!!!
Lrf! V jnf ubcvat gung raqvat gb srry yvxr lbh qrqvpngrq rabhtu gvzr gb vg gung lbh qvq raq hc artyrpgvat nyy lbhe bgure qhgvrf, ohg nyfb... V qvqa'g jnag cynlref gb fghzoyr bagb vg ol nppvqrag. Gevpxl onynapr gurer. V guvax 15 srryf yvxr n orggre ahzore naq V'yy punatr vg naq frr ubj gung tbrf. :Q
BZT............. Fb znal wnpxcbgf!!! Fvapr V nz va fhcre frperg pbqr urer V'yy tb nurnq naq gnyx n ovg nobhg jung'f tbvat ba haqre gur ubbq bs guvf urer yvggyr ratvar.
*Bcraf hc tnzr pbqr naq n ohapu bs ehoore onaqf naq fbzr thz snyyf bhg*
Lrnu fb, V cebtenzzrq va nyy gur enaqbz rapbhagre fghss cerggl rneyl ba va zl tnzr naq tbg vg jbexvat whfg nf V jnagrq vg. (Gurer vf bayl n 2% punapr sbe gung wnpxcbg) Ohg frr, gur jnl V cebtenzzrq gur enaqbz punapr rapbhagre fghss gbbx nobhg ~10 yvarf bs pbqr naq abeznyyl gur cebtenz unf ab vffhrf pnyphyngvat nyy gung orsber gura fcvggvat bhg gur nafjre.
OHG GURA V NQQRQ VA NYY GUVF BGURE NEG FLFGRZF VA GUR ONPXTEBHAQ ununununun. Fb gur tnzr jnf jbexvat cresrpgyl hagvy unysjnl guebhtu guvf zbagu jura nyy bs n fhqqra lbh pbhyq trg wnpxcbgf yvxr penml!! (Lbh pna nyfb pngpu fb znal ovtsbbgf! Fb znal!) Naq jung vf unccravat vf abj gung gurer vf gbb zhpu bireurnq tbvat ba va gur onpxtebhaq, gur cebtenz pna'g svavfu vg'f enaqbz punapr pnyphyngvba orsber vg zbirf ba gb gur arkg qvnybthr obk jurer vg purpxf gb frr jung lbhe enaqbz punapr vf. Naq zl qrsnhyg enaqbz erfhyg... unccraf gb or gur wnpxcbg erfhyg. Fb guhf, lbh tbg 3 wnpxcbgf va n ebj! Bbcf! V whfg gubhtug bs n jnl nebhaq guvf guvf zbeavat gung V'yy gel. Vafgrnq bs pnyphyngvat lbhe enaqbz punapr jura lbh uvg Lrf va gur tnzoyr qvnybthr, V'yy qb vg jura lbh rira vairfgvtngr gur znpuvar. Gung jnl, vg'f nyzbfg sbby cebbs! (Abgr gb fcrrqehaaref bs guvf rkgerzryl bofpher Vaqvr tnzr, vs lbh ohggba znfu gur Pnfvab ohggba naq gur fhofrdhrag LRF ohggba lbh pna sbepr gur tnzr gb tvir lbh wnpxcbgf, yby)
Naq JBJ bxnl lrnu gur tvoorevfu va gur grkgobk hcba dhvpx fgneg. Gung NYFB unf n irel shaal fgbel naq ol shaal V zrna V unir ab vqrn ubj gb svk gung oht. Fb gur xrlobneq fznfu gurer jnf jung V unq va zl grkgobk va havgl ba fgneg hc, vg jnf znvayl gb znxr fher gur obhaqf bs gur grkg ybbxrq svar naq gur sbag jnf tbbq naq nyy gung. V abgvprq gung gur grkg jbhyqa'g qvfnccrne ba gur dhvpx fgneg, fb V jrag naq qryrgrq gur grkg sebz gur grkgobk sebz fgneg hc naq...... VG PNZR ONPX???????? V unir ab vqrn jul???????? V'ir qryrgrq vg sebz rireljurer va zl fprar naq ab znggre jung V qb gung dhvpx fgneg ohggba fgvyy fcnjaf gur enaqbz tvoorevfu V guerj va gurer yvxr 3 zbaguf ntb. VGF FB JRVEQ. Gurer ner guvatf gung Havgl qbrf gung V QB ABG HAQREFGNAQ. V'ir orra wbxvat gung vgf yvxr jura lbh yrnir n zbavgbe be gi ba gbb ybat jvgu n fvatyr aba zbivat vzntr naq gur vzntr trgf ohearq vagb gur fperra. Gung'f jung unccrarq gb zl tnzr jvgu gur tvoorevfu grkgobk *FBO* (vz wbxvat, v unir ab vqrn jung'f pnhfvat guvf yby)
V'ir orra gelvat gb glcr n ohapu bs aln wbxrf yvxr lbh qvq gb raq guvf pbzzrag ohg pna V whfg fnl gung abguvat V znantrq gb jevgr ubyqf n pnaqyr gb lbhe vaperqvoyr alnf. Gehyl na neg sbez, V pnpxyrq fb zhpu ernqvat gurz N+++++++
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Hey would you be interested in joining https://itch.io/jam/nonbinary-bundle ? Anyways, I hope your day is going well.
Hey um. Broke game. Honestly no idea what I did, we were trying for Milo's ending and then the choice at the end didn't use a day and didn't set the flag and the next day we got the exact same dialogue when we tried to talk to him? https://www.twitch.tv/videos/2287833925
Ah, shoot. I'll look into this ASAP, but I'm away from my builds ATM and will be able to look at it in two days.
I'll also go ahead at that time and make a special build for you so you can quickly jump right to the end of Milo's route.
Really sorry about the inconvenience but also thank you so much for letting me know it's not working!
Hi there!
I've uploaded a build for you called " 1.55 Milo PC" that has a button on the main screen of the main menu that you can click and it allows you to jump straight into Milo's ending.
I found where the issue arose for Milo's ending in the original copy and will be putting out a fix for that shortly (once I get out of the ER... it's been a bit of a long day haha;;)
Again thank you for letting me know about the bug!
Hope all is okay and hope everyone is well - thanks for taking the time to fix but be sure to take care of yourself!
I'll let everyone know that it'll be fixed soon so everyone can pick up a copy
Saving and/or endings don't seem to be working quite right - I received a A/N that said that selecting "yes" would lock me into Milo's ending, so after that scene I made a save and chose to depression nap to the ending. That just gave me Ending 5, not Milo's ending, so I reloaded the save... and the flag for Milo's ending was no longer up - he acted like I hadn't spoken to him before. D:
Huh! I'll look into this.
Just to clarify: After the blood moon you said yes when talking to Milo and locked into his ending ? After the scene happened and the next day arrived you saved and then depression napped to the ending? But this triggered ending 5(?) and not Milo's ending correct?
Then when you are delivered to the main menu after ending 5, you loaded the save after having said yes to Milo only to have the same A/N appear correct? And because Milo's ending requires 2 days to complete there's a chance you won't be able to achieve his ending in the remaining time frame.
Also a quick question, ending 5 is the Gambling ending. Did depression napping somehow dump you into the Gambling ending?? (I'll have to check to see if maybe I forgot to take out some logic I was using for testing purposes.) I know Ending 6 (Beautification ending) can currently override the more 'canon' endings atm and it's something I'm thinking of adjusting.
I'll look into smoothing out the ending logic this evening and try to put out a new build. (I want to adjust how the gambling portion is calculated and I also believe that currently if you finish the beautification quest it locks you out of everyone else's ending which feels like it should be the opposite (beautification ending takes less precedence than Milo or Samson, since it's a 'joke' ending.)
AH, I MADE A mistake. It was Ending 2, not Ending 5, so sorry! They kind of look like flipped versions of each other, so I guess my brain got confused... Very sorry for the mistake!!
To clarify what happened:
- Blood moon, said yes to Milo, locked into his ending
- Said NO to the depression nap option **immediately after** the conversation with Milo, so I could make sure I didn't miss anything I wanted to do
- The next day, looked all over the map, was satisfied I didn't miss anything, so I did some random money making task (I think it was the last step of cleaning the backyard?)
- Made a save when it prompted the depression nap the next day
- Took the depression nap, got ending TWO (so sorry again), so I reloaded my save figuring I'd missed something
- Loaded back in at the casino (not where I had saved), a bit confused but the day was the next day so I figured the game was treating it like I had said no to the depression nap
- But then Milo was at the backyard again, and was repeating the same dialogue I had already seen.
I hope I didn't cause you to needlessly look into the gambling ending with my mistake ;v; Thank you for the quick response, I hope my clarification helps...!
OH! Okay now I understand what happened. I need to change the text on that A/N. Activating that dialogue doesn't necessarily 'lock-in' Milo's ending, it just prevents you from getting Samson's ending from that point on.
Both Milo and Samson's endings have a two part ending dialogue in which you have to do something in between those conversations.
Since you saved after having seen the "Milo's secret stash" dialogue, he should have still been gone when you reloaded :/ The load/save feature is something I programmed so hearing about these bugs are super helpful! I just recently learned a new way to control Script execution order within the Unity engine that I want to try out to see if I can control some bugs. (But also I suspect this is moreso tied in with faulty logic at the tail end of the game. I'll look again at my reset script.)
Here's a non spoiler hint about how to get all of Milo's ending -- Find a use for what you discovered in Milo's final conversation.
And then here's a spoiler version of it:
To get his ending you also have had to be talking to Ms. Leith in the Casino to get her full dialogue. She will mention 'paying any amount of Chollars to best her fashion rival'.
After the Blood Moon, talk to Milo to lock you out of Samson's ending (again, apologies I need to rewrite this A/N) and be shown his 'secret stash' in the bushes in the backyard.
Nico will mention trying to find a use for all the bones and at the end of the dialogue they will either mention "I dont have enough information to know what to do with these bones" (this means you haven't seen the convo with Ms. Leith yet) or "Maybe I can turn this around somehow" (means you have seen the dialogue).
Go to Ms. Leith in the Casino and talk to her and it will trigger the very ending of Milo's ending.
Hope that helps and also thank you so much for letting me know about the bugs!
Just wanted to let you know: I got to thinking that you might not be able to get Milo's ending with your current save files. I uploaded a special build just for you called "Milo Ending Shortcut"! This special build has a button on the main menu that says 'Milo's Ending'. When you click that button you can immediately go talk to (SPOILER) Ms. Leith in the Casino to activate the final part of Milo's Ending. Sorry for the bug and thank you so much for letting me know! Hope this helps!
Oh, I see! Yeah, some clarification on the A/N would definitely have helped me understand there was still something I needed to do before my depression nap haha.
I hope you were able to figure out what caused the bug of him reappearing, and fix it without it giving you too much of a headache! Aside from this bug at the very tail end of this run, I had a ton of fun with the game! The characters/dialogue pulled me right in, and the money earning+time management factor is *chef's kiss!*
Also ahhhh, looks like I missed the convo with Ms. Leith...! I got the dialogue about not having enough information, and she wasn't there when I looked around the map... The last leith-related casino conversation I had was with her rival who was talking smack - I assume after hearing that, the next time I saw Ms. Leith she would have given me the necessary dialogue to hear for Nico to realize what to do with the bones. So close, and yet so far hahaha (Unless the leith dialogue chain is way longer than I'm aware!)
I really wouldn't have minded running through the game again, doing a backyard + casino yolo sprint to make sure I didn't miss any leith dialogue this time around, but the fact you went above & beyond to make a build for me to make sure I could get the ending? That's really touching, thank you so much!! The ending was amazing (the emotional reunion <3) and made me really want to go do Samson's ending so I can find out what the heck happened to him in Milo's! I'm really glad I was able to experience it for myself!
I'll be running through the other endings now (can I just say I'm stunned by how quickly you pushed an update fixing everything I talked about?? please treat yourself to something nice, you've earned it!) so I'll let you know if I notice anything funky! If you don't hear from me again, just assume everything ran clean as a whistle!
Hey so......... Me again, unfortunately. This time, I seem to have managed to create an infinite day. No matter what I try to do, the day won't end. Every +1 day option, just... does not advance the day. If I try to do one of the options that should take multiple days to complete, it will remain stuck on the same day's dialogue - not advancing either the day, or the event's progress.
I'm not at all certain as to what caused this... All I can tell you, is I won the jackpot at the casino, and the day didn't end. I won the jackpot by saving/loading until I won it, so maybe that did something?
On the bright side, I'm sure my family appreciates the infinite amount of chollars I've earned them in this eternal night!
So you saved, did the Gamble option, didn't win, before the day passed you returned to the main menu, loaded your save pre gamble and tried gambling again and now the day won't progress?
What day are you on? Did you save during dialogue? Are you loading from one active game into another? (Returning to the main menu is how the game resets certain variables. If clicking +1 day buttons doesn't end with the day ending that means the underlying EndDay(); function got broken somewhere, which 90% of the time is tied in with a load issue.)
I can look into this issue this evening. I'm hoping it's just a loading from one active scene to another active scene issue bc that's an easy fix haha. If you don't want to wait for a new build, try exiting the game completely, reopening it and then loading into that file from the main menu.
Great mix of spooky Halloween fun, humor combined with explorations of heavier themes around being an outsider, the stresses of living in a society that forces us to pursue money and how that stress can reverberate through our relationships, and having a personal existential crisis in the middle of all of that.
I especially appreciated Peter (and Nico's family in general, even as the father's gambling problem is a source of frustration), Milo (adorable!! very good snow leopard boy trying his best, melted when he started purring lol), and Nico themselves for the complicated emotions they dealt with through the story. The writing around how they lashed out at Peter or Milo when tired and stressed and then regretted doing so was visceral!
Aesthetically, love the Halloween color scheme and just overall really great Halloween vibes <3 love the music as well :D the art is really fun and cute, especially the character designs - I'm a particular fan of Peter's sparkly eyes, and Nico's mother's look! Environment-wise, the casino is fittingly the sparkliest and shiniest to look at, but my favorite was the backyard because it was where I got to talk to Milo, haha.
Loved the humor and how the jokes were deftly woven in with the tougher parts - often, tying together to poke at companies who pretend to care about environmentalism or draw a line under the absurd hopelessness of a person trying to navigate systems that aren't built for them to win.
I got ending #6 and was delighted by a visit from a very special guy, and that's all I'll say about that :p Play this game if you want a fun Halloween jaunt with some messages to chew on!
Ahh, so glad to hear you enjoyed it! And really loved Peter and Milo! They were my favorite to write for, so it's nice to see people enjoying them as well!
Thank you so much for playing and for leaving such a thoughtful comment!!! :D :D :D
Yessssss, HERE IT IS. THE EVER-SO-SLIGHTLY MESSED-UP HALLOWEEN STORY. Enjoyed playing through all this for sure, whether it was being silly with Nico's whole family situation +Milo and ALL OF THE RANDOM EVENTS THROUGHOUT THE MONTH, sweet with Mainly Milo and A Bit Of Peter, or upsetting to varying degrees with every other facet of the story, it was just, a very well-rounded experience!! Plenty of cackles and "awww"s and "oh god"s!!
Notable points of Extreme Enjoyment include: Peter is such a dorky child I love him and his "nya"s and general child-like exuberance; very good to have him here, especially alongside MILO, who's also an Extreme Enjoyment Point. I mean. Obviously, right?? He's endearing as hell and you really just wanna see him smile after frowning and such. Also Mr. Bodyguard 1 is pretty cool too y'know. Just a guy. A guy who wants what he wants. Can't blame him for that. (All the other characters are enjoyable too but like..... y'know............. Samson really can't compete with Child Who Says "Nya" Randomly, y'know???? Even if he's a fucking dweeb and I KINDA love him but also DEFINITELY have a whole unfeeling attitude towards him for the most part, as you do sometimes with a character like that (which is to say, he's a very good character!! Even lovin' somebody like that's a lil hard to accomplish. Maybe. Possibly.))
Although I enjoyed all the endings I found, I didn't end up finding Ending 5. I was experimenting for like an hour to try and figure out what the heck the trigger for it was, but I couldn't figure it out!! A lil nudge in the direction of it would be appreciated, for sure, but y'know. Of the endings I did complete, I think... Ending 3 is probably my favorite...???? Endings 1 and 2 are rather standard lil things, and then 3 and 4 end up feeling kinda... empty?? feeling???? Like, not as in they have no substance and don't illicit a proper valuable response, but that the response is mostly "God things could be so much better couldn't they". Which, I mean hey, guess that's kinda the whole point of the story, isn't it, pff. So I'm a lil happy that Ending 3 goes the way it does, I suppose.
As for the themes, I mean........... I tragically have never experienced the soul-draining woe of higher education and subsequent lethargy and general displeasure with life in general, but I can certainly feel these fuckin' feelings and god is this story just so exhausting in a great way. Hate to see Nico have a bit of an existential crisis every time he interacts with people while we go "Yeah that's really how it is, isn't it", pff. But, at least Nico gets some positive outcomes, and the people they're surrounded by are delightful as hell, so... y'know. It's really powerful seeing a character who is explicitly Tired As Fuck being warmed by the folks around them and learning to feel a little more after being worn out by life's troubles and such, y'know? It's a really nice story at the end of the day. ALTHOUGH I GUESS I DON'T KNOW WHAT HAPPENS IN ENDING 5 SO LIKE. Hm. I can only hope it wasn't something EXTREMELY SIGNIFICANT but considering its placement on the list, I'm really not sure. Is it more like 3/4, or is it more like 6.........
EITHER WAY YES. THANK YOU FOR MAKING THIS!! IT CAME OUT EXCELLENTLY AAAAAAAAA. Hope everybody else enjoys the FUCK outta it!!!!! Everybody must enjoy Milo's beautiful way of speaking and Peter's also-beautiful way of saying "nya" here and there. We love characters who do that. Also as a random last note the integration of LORE in the narrative is very excellently done as well??? Like just staring at the mom's tail going like "Hmm, wait, wait a minute...... does that mean Nico and Peter have one, too??? Or is their Vampire-ness more powerful...." before subsequently getting that answered ~very smoothly~. I DUNNO I JUST LIKED THAT BIT A LOT. Made me go "Ohoho" because of how perfect the timing was, pff. ALSO THE GENDER STUFF WITH NICO. SEAMLESS. BUT YA. ONE LAST TIME. THANK YOU FOR MAKING THIS!!!
Omg you leave the absolute best comments they are always ALWAYS such a joy to read !!!!! Aaaahhh TYSM!!!!!!
And before I respond to everything else, a little non spoiler hint for ending 5: You get that ending by doing the same exact thing that got your family into this mess in the first place.
(I will give a more explicit hint later when I know the 'read more' has kicked in and no one gets randomly spoiled, heehee)
I'm so happy you like Peter!!! I shamelessly also love Peter and I think the world would be like 0.000000001% better if people just randomly started saying Nya like, yeah it just makes everything better.
And Milo!!! I'm so glad you also loved him, he's just a normal little snow leopard who doesn't do anything wrong at all.
And yes I agree! Samson just simply can't compete with Peter, you know??? Nya. Samson is a tricky character and I do feel bad for him (lol this sounds so weird to say as the author but yeah I feel bad for him on a personal level) but also since we see the game from Nico's perspective it's a lot of "Oh my God I want to punch this man in his face" lol. That's rough buddy but also *gestures at his role in the general fabric of their community*.
And since I know we are def in the read more area: Ending 5 is the one I think is a little too difficult to find atm. Basically, you gamble for every single day you can. I'll do an update where it's only 15 days instead of the current 29 (lol).
Tysm for playing and for leaving a really really lovely comment !!!!!! Aaahhh it feels so nice to know that the game not only works but is being enjoyed by people !! ๐๐๐๐๐๐
Just gonna write all this in ROT13 because uhhhh y'know. Spoilers....
V GUBHTUG GUNG ZVTUG'IR ORRA VG. V jnf pregnvayl gelvat gung zl svefg cynlguebhtu, ohg punatvat gur erdhverzrag yvxr gung zvtug or n tbbq vqrn fvapr... V guvax V jbhyq'ir tbggra vg?? Vs V unqa'g qbar onfvpnyyl rirel qvfgenpgvba gung pnzr nybat gur jnl?? Hayrff vg'q erdhver lbh gb qrqvpngr lbhe gvzr gb vg, juvpu jbhyq cebonoyl znxr frafr, ernyyl. Rvgure jnl, tbg vg abj, css.
Jnf qrsvavgryl nffhzvat gur ivor bs vg jbhyq or gur jnl vg jnf, pbafvqrevat gur raqvat evtug arkg gb vg, gubhtu V jnfa'g fher bs pbhefr!! Rvgure jnl, hu. V zrna. Gurer vg vf. Nabgure raqvat!! Nabgure raqvat jurer nofbyhgryl abguvat zrffrq hc unccraf!! Sbe fher!! Rirelobql'f unccl. Nofbyhgryl rirelobql.
V QB TBGGN FNL GUBHTU, ZL WBHEARL GB GUR RAQVAT JNF N YVY FVYYL........ V qvqa'g qb nal erfrggvat, ohg V fgvyy znantrq.... guvf tnzr fgngr.
GUERR WNPXCBGF VA N EBJ NSGRE GUR SVEFG QNL. V qba'g xabj jung gur punapr bs n wnpxcbg vf, ohg, jungrire gur punapr, guvf unf gb or ng yrnfg FYVTUGYL vzcebonoyr, naq gung'f... ernyyl fbzrguvat, css. Jnf shaal jngpuvat rirelguvat cynl bhg jvgu vgf vzcyvpvg nakvrgvrf juvyr Avpb'f whfg fvggvat urer nyernql pncnoyr bs cnlvat bss gur qrog evtug njnl. Irel tbbq. Ol gur raq V znantrq gb trg 1z, juvpu... V zrna............ boivbhfyl gung'f abg rkcrpgrq, naq gur erfhyg vf engure fvyyl, nf jryy.
Birenyy, V qhaab vs guvf arprffnevyl cbvagf gbjneqf Wnpxcbgf orvat n ovg gbb pbzzba, ohg V jbhyq fnl vg qbrf N YVY. Zl bgure cynlguebhtuf tbg Wnpxcbgf cerggl pbzzbayl nf jryy, jvgubhg erfrggvat naq fhpu....... Ohg V znl whfg or yhpxl!! V ernyyl qba'g xabj!!
Bar ynfg guvat gb cbvag ng juvyr V jnf qbvat nyy gung: vg frrzf gung uvggvat Dhvpx Fgneg jura lbh bcra gur tnzr, jvgubhg qbvat nalguvat ryfr, znxrf guvf shaxl oyheo fubj hc, juvpu V nffhzr vf fbzr fbegn cynprubyqre ovg, ohg V yvxr vg. Vg'f n tbbq oyheo.
Alnaljnl, gb ebhaq guvf nyy bss, alrf. Nf fbzrobql jvgu n snibevgr punenpgre jub alnyernql qbrf gung fbeg bs guvat, V nterr gung alrirelobql fubhyq raq bss gurve fragrapr jvgu n "aln" rirel bapr va n juvyr, aln. Vg nqqf fhpu ornhgvshy crefbalnyvgl gb rirelguvat, naq gurer'f ab cnjffvoyr guvat zber cheesrpg guna vg.....
omg I didn't know ROT13 was a thing so at first I was like "did something happen to my computer why can't I read this all of a sudden? LOL
But I figured it out and this is super cool!!!
Lrf! V jnf ubcvat gung raqvat gb srry yvxr lbh qrqvpngrq rabhtu gvzr gb vg gung lbh qvq raq hc artyrpgvat nyy lbhe bgure qhgvrf, ohg nyfb... V qvqa'g jnag cynlref gb fghzoyr bagb vg ol nppvqrag. Gevpxl onynapr gurer. V guvax 15 srryf yvxr n orggre ahzore naq V'yy punatr vg naq frr ubj gung tbrf. :Q
BZT............. Fb znal wnpxcbgf!!! Fvapr V nz va fhcre frperg pbqr urer V'yy tb nurnq naq gnyx n ovg nobhg jung'f tbvat ba haqre gur ubbq bs guvf urer yvggyr ratvar.
*Bcraf hc tnzr pbqr naq n ohapu bs ehoore onaqf naq fbzr thz snyyf bhg*
Lrnu fb, V cebtenzzrq va nyy gur enaqbz rapbhagre fghss cerggl rneyl ba va zl tnzr naq tbg vg jbexvat whfg nf V jnagrq vg. (Gurer vf bayl n 2% punapr sbe gung wnpxcbg) Ohg frr, gur jnl V cebtenzzrq gur enaqbz punapr rapbhagre fghss gbbx nobhg ~10 yvarf bs pbqr naq abeznyyl gur cebtenz unf ab vffhrf pnyphyngvat nyy gung orsber gura fcvggvat bhg gur nafjre.
OHG GURA V NQQRQ VA NYY GUVF BGURE NEG FLFGRZF VA GUR ONPXTEBHAQ ununununun. Fb gur tnzr jnf jbexvat cresrpgyl hagvy unysjnl guebhtu guvf zbagu jura nyy bs n fhqqra lbh pbhyq trg wnpxcbgf yvxr penml!! (Lbh pna nyfb pngpu fb znal ovtsbbgf! Fb znal!) Naq jung vf unccravat vf abj gung gurer vf gbb zhpu bireurnq tbvat ba va gur onpxtebhaq, gur cebtenz pna'g svavfu vg'f enaqbz punapr pnyphyngvba orsber vg zbirf ba gb gur arkg qvnybthr obk jurer vg purpxf gb frr jung lbhe enaqbz punapr vf. Naq zl qrsnhyg enaqbz erfhyg... unccraf gb or gur wnpxcbg erfhyg. Fb guhf, lbh tbg 3 wnpxcbgf va n ebj! Bbcf! V whfg gubhtug bs n jnl nebhaq guvf guvf zbeavat gung V'yy gel. Vafgrnq bs pnyphyngvat lbhe enaqbz punapr jura lbh uvg Lrf va gur tnzoyr qvnybthr, V'yy qb vg jura lbh rira vairfgvtngr gur znpuvar. Gung jnl, vg'f nyzbfg sbby cebbs! (Abgr gb fcrrqehaaref bs guvf rkgerzryl bofpher Vaqvr tnzr, vs lbh ohggba znfu gur Pnfvab ohggba naq gur fhofrdhrag LRF ohggba lbh pna sbepr gur tnzr gb tvir lbh wnpxcbgf, yby)
Naq JBJ bxnl lrnu gur tvoorevfu va gur grkgobk hcba dhvpx fgneg. Gung NYFB unf n irel shaal fgbel naq ol shaal V zrna V unir ab vqrn ubj gb svk gung oht. Fb gur xrlobneq fznfu gurer jnf jung V unq va zl grkgobk va havgl ba fgneg hc, vg jnf znvayl gb znxr fher gur obhaqf bs gur grkg ybbxrq svar naq gur sbag jnf tbbq naq nyy gung. V abgvprq gung gur grkg jbhyqa'g qvfnccrne ba gur dhvpx fgneg, fb V jrag naq qryrgrq gur grkg sebz gur grkgobk sebz fgneg hc naq...... VG PNZR ONPX???????? V unir ab vqrn jul???????? V'ir qryrgrq vg sebz rireljurer va zl fprar naq ab znggre jung V qb gung dhvpx fgneg ohggba fgvyy fcnjaf gur enaqbz tvoorevfu V guerj va gurer yvxr 3 zbaguf ntb. VGF FB JRVEQ. Gurer ner guvatf gung Havgl qbrf gung V QB ABG HAQREFGNAQ. V'ir orra wbxvat gung vgf yvxr jura lbh yrnir n zbavgbe be gi ba gbb ybat jvgu n fvatyr aba zbivat vzntr naq gur vzntr trgf ohearq vagb gur fperra. Gung'f jung unccrarq gb zl tnzr jvgu gur tvoorevfu grkgobk *FBO* (vz wbxvat, v unir ab vqrn jung'f pnhfvat guvf yby)
V'ir orra gelvat gb glcr n ohapu bs aln wbxrf yvxr lbh qvq gb raq guvf pbzzrag ohg pna V whfg fnl gung abguvat V znantrq gb jevgr ubyqf n pnaqyr gb lbhe vaperqvoyr alnf. Gehyl na neg sbez, V pnpxyrq fb zhpu ernqvat gurz N+++++++