Kill the Prince?!
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Kill the Prince?! V (1.0)
"Infiltrate a royal wedding by dressing up in a variety of disguises. Will you fulfill your job to assassinate the prince? Or perhaps..."
The countries of Espington and Mien are again at war.
A decisive battle leaves the youngest prince of the Mienese Kingdom in the hands of Espington's War Minister who has plans for his captive. His plan? To marry the prince off to an Espington princess, giving the War Minister a connection to the royal family's table at the reclusive Mienese court.
The prince is shocked. The princess is shocked. The Espington people are outraged.
A revolutionary group refuses to allow the noble bloodline to be tainted. They'll stop at NOTHING to KILL THE PRINCE.
...well, they'll pay someone to KILL THE PRINCE for them.
Congratulations, you've been hired!
Will you follow through on this group's plans to murder this somewhat bookish prince? Or perhaps you have ambitions of your own...
A comedy-slash-political-lite puzzle game made for Nanoreno 2020 by Heiden.
A quick funny game with one major ending with a few comedic bad ends (if you go looking for them...). With a word count of 5k and 3 CGs, this game can be finished within a single sitting.
Writing, Programming, Art - Heiden
Select Textures by 0melapics / Freepik
Music by and a variety of public domain classical music.
Beta testing by: Friends from the Frederick Game Dev club <3, Stanley, Letitia
Portuguese translation by: Helena
Hello! I finally finished a Nano game on time! Woaaaahhh;; I'm excited to bring you this short but sweet game. Hope you enjoy! I'd love to hear who your favorite characters were, and if you figured out the identity before you got to the end.
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Development log
- Now in French!Dec 31, 2022
- Now in Portuguese!Apr 30, 2022
- Android Port!Nov 17, 2021
- District Arcade LIVE!Sep 26, 2020
- At District Arcade!Sep 24, 2020
- Slight update!Apr 04, 2020
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So freaking sweet <3
the best short game ive played in a while oh wow
Short and sweet! I really enjoyed it! I wish Perle was more integrated somehow, lol; she would've been a fun companion! ^-^
There is one little bug though, sometimes when you backtrack the dialogue, the music stops and won't start again.
Sweet VN, I liked the infiltration gameplay, there is great potential in the Stealth Visual Novel concept.
Side note, before this game I didn't even know there were Itchio games for Android, it opened a big window for me haha, thank you!
"Kill The Prince?!" or "Slay the Princess"
Hard decision haah..
I'm so sorry for this terrible joke :(
But not really( `・∇´・)
Haha, yeah it's a funny coincidence!
10/10 i love the art style and the story absolutely beautiful!!
Me: *reads the first flashback*
Aww that was so sweet
This story was very lovely and the art style was very unique I really enjoyed this game.
loved the mustaches at the end
Love this so much! Very wholesome ending and made me laugh at some parts haha
The real Mr. Steal yo man.
Not gonna lie this game made me laugh out loud a few times lol! Good game :)
sick! love it!
Some Guide please
To get into kitchens - Wear maid outfit and talk to maid in left hand screen.
To get past moustache men - wear Powdery Wig and talk to woman scrubbing floors in the barracks (red room) to get giant moustache. Wear giant moustache and talk to moustache men.
To talk to the princess- pick up punch from the banquet hall from the giant punch bowl. Give this drink to her guard.
Answers to princess quiz ->
1. She likes to dance
2. She's nicer than she lets on (talk to woman in the banquet hall standing near pillar of gifts)
3. Any answer (correct answer needs to be unlocked)
Go talk to Emeric while wearing the livery. Ask him about the princess' nickname.
Go back to princess and give this answer as the final question in her quiz.
After that talk to the guard in the right hand side of the screen.
That's it! You'll get the ending after that.
This was really cute, thanks for making and sharing it!
Aww, thank you! :D :D
awww this was so cute
damn this is beautiful thanks so much
how do I get past the mustache men?
Click on the maid who is scrubbing the floors (in the soldiers' room) while wearing the fancy powdered wig!
That was so cute. ARggg.
I had an inkling from early on when the game mentioned he was a thief not an assassin. I was very happy when i saw those little memory scenes and realized the story was headed in that direction.
I was like, "Yessssssssss, steal yourself a bf."
This is so cute!?!? I played it on a whim and I was not let down— it is so wonderfully light-hearted and creative. There were several brilliantly written moments where I found myself chuckling, and the ending! That was so sweet!
If you're reading the comments considering whether or not to give this game a play, I highly recommend that you give it a try. It's an adorable FREE game that is sure to make you smile.
Thank you so much for this one, Heiden— I really enjoyed it! :)
Aw, thank you so much for playing! And glad to hear you enjoyed it! :D
Liked this story. Funny and wholesome
I'm having an issue when taking the princess' quiz. I've tried all the nickname options on question 3, but she says they're all wrong. Did I miss something?
To answer the nickname question, you have to unlock that option from another character. You can talk to Perle (the maid) to get a hint if you get stuck!
(And if that's not helpful, here's another more obvious hint: Talk to Emeric while wearing the last item you haven't used for any other puzzle so far.)
Thanks, I ended up figuring it out. I thought I had already talked to him.
very adorable
I think it would be better if you were able to keep the fake mustache on after getting past the guard for the ending, if you put it on after getting the ring from the princess
I thought about allowing players to do just that, but decided against it since it would clash with the tone of the ending. (Likewise, triggering flashbacks also removes the mustache) Though it's certainly a funny image of Enos threatening Benoit while wearing the giant mustache, haha.
how do you get past the dudes at the door
Click on the maid who is scrubbing the floors (in the soldiers' room) while wearing the fancy powdered wig! :D
One of the cutest games I have played in quite some time. Lovely, thank you very much. Magnificent indeed.
*MAGNIFICENT intensifies*
I love it.
the ending was so unexpectedly fabulous that SQUEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE-
Dozer7.exe has stopped responding
A simple yet an enjoyable game. I love the way to explore into the story.
I finished the online version last night and ooooomg I loved it! So I threw some monies your way to get the PC version. PRINCE MILFORD IS A PRECIOUS CINNAMON ROLL AND MUST BE PROTECTED AT ALL COSTS <3 The ending was hella cuuuuuute!
Also me being a dummy and thinking I could exhaust all of the options with Lisette's test and couldn't figure out LOL
This game was wonderful!
Oh my god... I clicked on this, right? I clicked on it, thinking, "Eh, sure. Why not? One more heterosexual visual novel, for brainrot's sake. What's the harm?"
I instantly fell head over heels. The characters all have such clear voices for a game without voice acting, the art is lovely, especially the coloring, and it's gay! Oh, how the hills rejoice!
All in all, 20/10, lovely work! :D I really enjoyed it all the way through! :)
Awww, thank you so much for giving it a shot, despite first appearances. Glad to hear you enjoyed it! :D
I love this so much! Getting to know the storyline through the characters was so much fun and everything about the writing was so entertaining and great! The game is super cute and amusing, I adored every bit of it!
And seriously loved the point-n-click mechanism and how much it was utilized here! This whole thing was brilliant!
You never fail to make fun games--this one was really cute! I loved the map-based interaction style and how little conversations between other characters slowly tell you the story of what's really going on. Even in a game this short, it really made me want to cheer for our two couples!
Great job! It's really impressive for a game you made so quickly. :D
This is such a fun game.
I love how maps are used for the majority of it, I make renpy games too, so it was really inspiring to see a game that is less visual novel and more point and click, really shows what you can do with it.
I look forward to the next thing you make!!
This was such a cute game! I really enjoyed playing it!
I really enjoyed this visual novel! Thank you so much for making it.
I loved the writing and the characters. The inventory system was a fun game mechanic for solving puzzles. The jokes also made me laugh out loud.
I've created a VOD recording of my playthrough: Twitch video
Loved the game! And the magnificent moustache!! The ending was so cute and I love the interactive gameplay! Good job!!